Welcome to MyPyFriend, your coding best friend!

No matter your age, location or nationality, MyPyFriend will provide you with excellent service on coding in Python! MyPyFriend is a completely free educational website which specializes in the largest growing programming language of our time, Python. With MyPyFriend, you don't have to worry about Python being difficult. Sit back, relax and learn Python in a way as comforting as watching an episode of Friends! 

What is covered on MyPyFriend?

MyPyFriend currently contains learning materials regarding 10 of the most fundamental Python topics in the form of written tutorials, posters and PowerPoint presentations. 

The concepts covered include basic Python and programming concepts, which include concepts such as variables, data types, functions, conditional statments, loops,  and more!

Please note that more topics are to come to MyPyFriend as time goes on and the website is always updating and changing!

Why Not Start Exploring?

Dear educators, this website was made with you in mind!

As MyPyFriend, we try to cave the way in IT education by creating high-quality learning content that you have every right to use in your classroom! Please don't feel hesitant to use our presentations or posters in your classroom to teach and shape the future generation.